Bir Buzağıda Akut Böbrek Yetmezliği

Olgu, anüri şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvuran dört aylık bir simental erkek buzağıda hematolojik, biyokimyasal, kan gazı, periton sıvısı ve idrar analizi bulguları çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Buzağının kan serumu ve periton sıvısı analizlerinde kreatinin ve üre konsantrasyonlarında artış, idrar analizinde ise dansitede azalma tespit edildi. Operasyon sonucu idrar kesesinde rupturla uyumlu defekt belirlendi. Sunulan olguda, muhtemel idrar yolu taşına bağlı gelişen postrenal obstrüksiyonla ilişkili akut böbrek yetmezliği olgusu tartışılmıştır. ●●● S U M M A R Y Acute Renal Failure in a Calf In this case report, hemotologic, biochemical, blood gases, urinalysis and peritoneal fluid analysis were evaluated in a four months old simmental calf which was referred to the internal medicine clinic. Creatinin and urea concentrations were increased in serum and peritoneal fluid analysis, dansity was decreased in urine analysis. A defect was detected compatible with ruptur in bladder. In the present case report, acute renal failure related with postrenal obstruction due to a suspected a urolith was discussed.
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Acute Renal Failure in a Calf

Acute Renal Failure in a Calf In this case report, hemotologic, biochemical, blood gases, urinalysis and peritoneal fluid analysis were evaluated in a four months old simmental calf which was referred to the internal medicine clinic. Creatinin and urea concentrations were increased in serum and peritoneal fluid analysis, dansity was decreased in urine analysis. A defect was detected compatible with ruptur in bladder. In the present case report, acute renal failure related with postrenal obstruction due to a suspected a urolith was discussed



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