Evrimsel Tıp: Sağlık ve Hastalıklara Yeni Yaklaşımlar

Evrimsel tıp, günümüz hastalıklarına geneksel tıbbın "yaklaşık" nedenlemelerinin yanı sıra "nihai" nedenleme ile farklı bir bakış açısı getirmeyi amaçlar. Klasik tıp hastalıkların yapı ve mekanizmalar hakkında "Ne" ve "Nasıl" sorularına cevap ararken, evrimsel tıp köken ve fonksiyon hakkında "Neden" ve "Niçin" sorularına cevap arar. Evrimsel analizlerde kullanılan molküler evrim, popülasyon genetiği, filogenetik gibi metodları günümüz hastalıklarının köken ve sebeplerini anlamak için uygular. Evrimsel tıp tüm sağlık bilimlerine farklı bakış açıları getirmeyi, günümüz yaklaşımlarıyla çözüm bulamadığımız, sebebini anlayamadığımız sorunların çözümüne katkıda bulunmayı amaçlan yeni bir disiplindir.

Evolutionary Medicine: Novel Approaches to Health and Diseases

Evolutionary medicine is a new discipline with novel approaches to diseases. It focuses on the ultimate causes of diseases rather than the proximal causes that have been the focus of traditional medicine. Whereas traditional medicine seeks answers to "what" and "how" questions on structure and mechanisms of diseases, evolutionary medicine seeks answers to "How" and "Why" questions on the origion and function. Evolutionary medicine applies the methods of evolutionary analysis such as molecular evolution, population genetics, and phylogenetics to study the origin and reasons of diseases. Evolutionary medicine aims to bring novel approaches to health problems that traditional medicine can not understand the mechanisms of and can not find cures for, in order to improve the overall health of human populations.


Brune, M. & Hochberg, Z., "Evolutionary Medicine: the Quest for a Better Understanding of Health, Disease and Prevention", BMC Med 11, 116, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-11-116 (2013).

Currier, R. W. & Steele, J. H., "One Health-One Medicine: Unifying Human and Animal Medicine within an Evolutionary Paradigm", Ann N Y Acad Sci 1230, 4-11, doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06138.x (2011).

Gluckman, P. D., Low, F. M., Buklijas, T., Hanson, M. A. & Beedle, A. S., "How Evolutionary Principles Improve the Understanding of Human Health and Disease", Evol Appl 4, 249- 263, doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2010.00164.x (2011).

Inaugural Meeting of the International Society for Evolution Medicine and Public Health, _____https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B27ikX-ekSWvcG9acjZYT2FKQ0E> (2015).

Merlo, L. M., Pepper, J. W., Reid, B. J. & Maley, C. C., "Cancer as an Evolutionary and Ecological Process", Nat Rev Cancer 6, 924-935, doi:10.1038/nrc2013 (2006).

Morton, D. J., "The Relation of Evolution to Medicine", Science 64, 394-396, doi:10.1126/science.64.1660.394 (1926).

Nesse, R. M. & Stearns, S. C., "The Great Opportunity: Evolutionary Applications to Medicine and Public Health". Evol Appl 1, 28-48, doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2007.00006.x (2008).

Nesse, R. M. & Williams, G. C., Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, 1. ed, (Times Books, 1994).

Nesse, R. M. et al. "Evolution in Health and Medicine Sackler colloquium: Making Evolutionary Biology a Basic Science for Medicine", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107 Suppl 1, 1800-1807, doi:10.1073/pnas.0906224106 (2010).

Nesse, R. M., "Ten Questions for Evolutionary Studies of Disease Vulnerability", Evol Appl 4, 264-277, doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2010.00181.x (2011).

Ruhli, F. J. & Henneberg, M., "New Perspectives on Evolutionary Medicine: the Relevance of Microevolution for Human Health and Disease", BMC Med 11, 115, doi:10.1186/1741- 7015-11-115 (2013).

Spocter, M. A. & Strkalj, G., "Darwinian Medicine - an Evolutionary Perspective on Health and Disease", S Afr Med J 97, 1044-1046 (2007).

Stearns, S. C. & Koella, J. C., Evolution in health and disease. 2. ed, (Oxford University Press, 2008).

Stearns, S. C., Nesse, R. M., Govindaraju, D. R. & Ellison, P. T., "Evolution in Health and Medicine Sackler colloquium: Evolutionary Perspectives on Health and Medicine", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107 Suppl 1, 1691-1695, doi:10.1073/pnas.0914475107 (2010).

Trevathan, W., Smith, E. O. & McKenna, J. J., Evolutionary Medicine and Health: New Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2008).