Sanat yapıtlarının çözümlemesi ve eleştirisi söz konusu olduğunda, sanat felsefesinin süregelen tartışma konularından birinin de biçim-içerik ilişkisi olduğu söylenebilir. Yapıtın "ne" anlattığı ve "nasıl" anlatıldığı arasındaki ilişki, o yapıtın çözümlemesi ve eleştirisi açısından belirleyici önem taşır. Söz konusu bu iki öğe (ne-nasıl; biçim-içerik) arasındaki ilişkinin bir soruna dönüşmesinin nedeni ise önceliğin hangisine verilmesi gerektiğine ilişkin farklı düşünce ya da yaklaşımlardan kaynaklanır. Film dilinin estetiği ve bu dilde anlamın oluşması açısından biçimin de içeriğin de önemli olduğu kabul edilir; ancak öncelikli, temel ya da belirleyici önem taşıyanın biçim mi yoksa içerik mi olduğu sorusu tartışmaya açık bir sorudur.


When it comes to the analysis and criticism of the works of art, it can be said that one of the ongoing discussions of art philosophy is the form-content relationship. The relationship between the "what" the artwork tells and the "how" is described is of decisive importance for the analysis and critique of that work. The reason why the relationship between these two elements (what-how; form-content) is turned into a problem arises from different thoughts or approaches about which one should be given priority. In terms of the aesthetics of film language and the formation of meaning in this language, the content is also considered to be important; but the question of whether it is form or content is a question open to discussion.The form-content relationship, as in other art branches, is an important subject of debate in the art of cinema. The method to be used in the analysis of the film and the theory on which the analysis is based, is the decision on whether the priority will be given to the format or the content, which determines the path to be followed in the critique to a large extent. Therefore, in the evaluation of a film, it can be considered that the concepts related to the form-content problem should be clarified in determining the value it carries for the art of cinema.The purpose of this study is; to try to clarify the relationship between the concepts of subject, content, essence, form and style in film criticism; thus, to present a proposal based on the conceptual knowledge of the method. Questions to be answered for this purpose are as follows: “What is the difference between the subject of a film and its content or it's content and essence?”,“How is the connection between content-essence and form-style established?”,“Which objective rationale can be based on the evaluation of the priority in the evaluation of the film?”,“Can the objectivity in the critique be provided by form analysis and research?”. It is thought that the answers to these questions will provide clarification for the priority and importance given to the content in film analysis and criticism.


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