Pülümür Alevilerinin Temel Dini İnançları

The construction of healthy communication between Alawites and Sunnites is important. And it seems the relations between these two are getting better in recent times. In this essay which is called we try to shed light on basic religious beliefs of Alawites of Pulumur. These religious belief and rules are traditionally reviewed as six basic principles. Our aim in this study to help to understand the Alawism that is not uniform and to provide to set healthy communication among society layers. In this essay we arrived at the conclusion that Alawites are similiar to Sunnî Schools except that their belief of partially incomplete of Qur?an and reencarnation belief, the detail of which is to be examined in the paper.
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he construction of healthy communication between Alawites and Sunnites is important. And it seems the relations between these two are getting better in recent times. In this essay which is called we try to shed light on basic religious beliefs of Alawites of Pulumur. These religious belief and rules are traditionally reviewed as six basic principles. Our aim in this study to help to understand the Alawism that is not uniform and to provide to set healthy communication among society layers. In this essay we arrived at the conclusion that Alawites are similiar to Sunnî Schools except that their belief of partially incomplete of Qur’an and reencarnation belief, the detail of which is to be examined in the paper


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