Tanrı'nın Cüz'ilere Dair Bilgisi Tartışmasında Gazzali'ye Felsefe Cephesinden Bir Destek

-A support to el-Ghaz?l? From the Philosophical Front on the Discussion of God's Knowledge of Particulars   This study examines the opinions of the independent philosopher Abu? al-Baraka?t al-Baghda?di? on his discussion of God's Knowledge of Particulars. The problem whether God knows particulars or not, essentially depends on a discussion based al-Ghaz?l?-Avicenna. It is clear that Abu? al-Baraka?t is under the influence of the relevant discussion in his dealing with that problem. He completes his analysis in such a way that God knows everything, universal or particular, in his encyclopaedical work al-Kita?b al-Mu’tabar, in which he criticizes both Aristotle and Avicenna. That opinion is only one of the comments of the philosopher influenced considerably by al-Ghaz?l?’s theology, which is closer to Ash‘arism rather than Peripatetism.       
Anahtar Kelimeler:



problem whether God knows particulars or not, essentially depends on a discussion based al- z -Avice relevant discussion in his dealing with that problem. He completes his analysis in such a way that God knows everything, universal or particular, in his encyclopaedical work a - -Muʿ abar, in which he criticizes both Aristotle and Avicenna. That opinion is only one of the comments of the philosopher influenced considerably by al- z ’ , ‘ Muslim Peripatetism


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