Human life has an indispensable importance both for community and for himself. But incurable illness with unbearable suffering might be burden for human. In this case it turns into a hot debate whether it is allowed to end one?s life under these conditions. Euthanasia increasingly became more complicated issue and  many disciplines such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, medicine and theology started to engage in this problem. With regard to the meaning and purpose of life and values on which life rests there are many understandings. Theologically and ethically speaking human life has a value as itself and everything has to be evaluated according to this criteria. Following this premise our article deals with the issue of euthanasia comparatively with other disciplines. 
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Human life has an indispensable importance both for community and for himself. But incurable illness with unbearable suffering might be burden for human. In this case it turns into a hot debate whether it is allowed to end one’s life under these conditions. Euthanasia increasingly became more complicated issue and many disciplines such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, medicine and theology started to engage in this problem. With regard to the meaning and purpose of life and values on which life rests there are many understandings. Theologically and ethically speaking human life has a value as itself and everything has to be evaluated according to this criteria. Following this premise our article deals with the issue of euthanasia comparatively with other disciplines



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