It is a reality that there is a communication between God and people.  The last message Quran gives us the clues of this communication. Determining the beginning of this communication may help us to solve the errors rooted in our cultures. We see in the Quran that this communication starts with mîsâk.  The most important issue underlined in the passages of mîsâkis the representation. People are equal in terms of being successor and predecessor.  They can replace and represent each other. But if this representation is used in the context of the prophet, then the problem of representation comes up. The underlying emphasis is that in no way any human can represent God as His representative. In this article, the meaning of mîsâk in the Quran before creation will exclusively be discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



It is a reality that there is a communication between God and people. The last message Quran gives us the clues of this communication. Determining the beginning of this communication may help us to solve the errors rooted in our cultures. We see in the Quran that this communication starts with mîsâk. The most important issue underlined in the passages of mîsâkis the representation. People are equal in terms of being successor and predecessor. They can replace and represent each other. But if this representation is used in the context of the prophet, then the problem of representation comes up. The underlying emphasis is that in no way any human can represent God as His representative. In this article, the meaning of mîsâk in the Quran before creation will exclusively be discussed


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