Ölü Deniz Yazmalarında Geleceğe Dönük Beklentiler Bir Ahir Zaman Peygamberini Öngörür mü? -Tebşirat Açısından Bir Değerlendirmi-

As in the most religious traditions there is the faith of a savior who will come at the end of times in Judaism. According to Rabbinic Judaism this savior is king-messiah who descended from David. However, there are different conceptions of the Messiah in the Tanakh and Jewish History. Likewise there are different expectations for the future which appeared in the Jewish community in the Dead Sea Scrolls that were discovered in the twentieth century. The most remarkable thing in these expectations is to mention an eschatological prophet. In this article the relationship between messianic hopes and prophecy in the Jewish society in the period of the second temple will be discussed. Also expectation of the prophet who was mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls will be examined. Additionally, this information will be evaluated in terms of Qur?anic data about which Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the previous religious text and expectation of Ahlu?l-Kitab (Jews and Christians) for savior is realized with Prophet Muhammad
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As in the most religious traditions there is the faith of a savior who will come at the end of times in Judaism. According to Rabbinic Judaism this savior is king-messiah who descended from David. However, there are different conceptions of the Messiah in the Tanakh and Jewish History. Likewise there are different expectations for the future which appeared in the Jewish community in the Dead Sea Scrolls that were discovered in the twentieth century. The most remarkable thing in these expectations is to mention an eschatological prophet. In this article the relationship between messianic hopes and prophecy in the Jewish society in the period of the second temple will be discussed. Also expectation of the prophet who was mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls will be examined. Additionally, this information will be evaluated in terms of Qur’anic data about which Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the previous religious text and expectation of Ahlu’lKitab (Jews and Christians) for savior is realized with Prophet Muhammad
