Kur'an'ın "Hüküm Allah'ındır" Öğretisi Üzerine

  OnThe Qur?anic Doctrine of ?Judgemens is for Allah Only:  A Theological Evaluation  This article analyses the Qu?ranic understanding of supremacy in line with related references. For this purpose, firstly, verses which refer to the divine supremacy, as well as the Names of Allah (el-Esmâ?ül-hüsnâ) which emphasize His dominance are examined. Secondly, man?s position and the extent of his legislative authority with respect to the relationship between Allah and man in the Quran are discussed. Finally, some concepts in the Quran which can be understood as political terms are analyzed. As a result, the absolute certainty of the concept of supremacy in the divine sense and the indispensability of human contribution are demonstrated.  
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This article analyses the Qu’ranic understanding of supremacy in line with related references. For this purpose, firstly, verses which refer to the divine supremacy, as well as the Names of Allah (el-Esmâ’ül-hüsnâ) which emphasize His dominance are examined. Secondly, man’s position and the extent of his legislative authority with respect to the relationship between Allah and man in the Quran are discussed. Finally, some concepts in the Quran which can be understood as political terms are analyzed. As a result, the absolute certainty of the concept of supremacy in the divine sense and the indispensability of human contribution are demonstrated