Gayb Meselesi ve İbn Berrecan'ın Keşfi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

In this article at first, we will focus on the lexical meanings of the word ?unseen? in short, and then on the place and importance of the matter of unseen in Islamic thought. Also, we will deal with the approaches of sufis about the matter of unseen because Ibn Barracan was a sufi. On the other hand, in this article, it will be focused on the issue that the type of unseen which is called particularly as ?relative unseen? may be known. While Ibn Barracan interprets sûrat ar-Rûm, his statements foretelling Jeruselam?s conquest sixty-one years previously which are considered as an unveiling in many sources primarily including Tabaqât and Interpretations, will be given an example for this issue. His expressions which appears difficult to understand at first glance, will be discussed together with the issues which are mentioned in his Interpretation due to we consider that they clarify this subject.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



In this article at first, we will focus on the lexical meanings of the word “unseen” in short, and then on the place and importance of the matter of unseen in Islamic thought. Also, we will deal with the approaches of sufis about the matter of unseen because Ibn Barracan was a sufi. On the other hand, in this article, it will be focused on the issue that the type of unseen which is called particularly as “relative unseen” may be known. While Ibn Barracan interprets sûrat ar-Rûm, his statements foretelling Jeruselam’s conquest sixty-one years previously which are considered as an unveiling in many sources primarily including Tabaqât and Interpretations, will be given an example for this issue. His expressions which appears difficult to understand at first glance, will be discussed together with the issues which are mentioned in his Interpretation due to we consider that they clarify this subject



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