İDKAB Öğrencilerin Bireysel Yenilikçilik ve Ahlaki Olgunluk Düzeyleri Üzerine Kelam Dersinin Etkisi

This study has been done to show the effect of teaching Kalam on the individual innovativeness levels -ethical maturity levels of Faculty of Theology Primary School Religious Culture and Moral Education Teaching Department 2nd and 3rd grade students. The target population of the study consists of 2nd and 3rd grade students of Atatürk, Ankara, Marmara, Istanbul, Fırat, Rize, Dicle and Çukurova Universities, Faculty of Theology Primary School Religious Culture and Moral Education Teaching Departments in the academic year 2012-2013. In order to collect data to the study a questionnaire form, which contains two scales that were developed so as to determine the individual innovativeness and maturity levels of students, was used. In the study, it is seen that the ethical maturity levels of students are quite high, innovativeness levels are on “pioneer” level which is the second level of individual innovativeness. According to the concluded results, it is seen that when the individual innovativeness levels increase; ethical maturity levels increase and when the individual innovativeness levels decrease; ethical maturity levels decrease, too. According to the statistical analyses within the scope of the study, there is a significant difference between students’ individual innovativeness levels and ethical maturity levels. In order for Kalam lessons to improve the ethical maturity and innovativeness levels, it is advised that the content and the gains of lesson should be arranged according to these qualifications.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



This study has been done to show the effect of teaching Kalam on the individual innovativeness levels -ethical maturity levels of Faculty of Theology Primary School Religious Culture and Moral Education Teaching Department 2nd and 3rd grade students. The target population of the study consists of 2nd and 3rd grade students of Atatürk, Ankara, Marmara, Istanbul, Fırat, Rize, Dicle and Çukurova Universities, Faculty of Theology Primary School Religious Culture and Moral Education Teaching Departments in the academic year 2012-2013. In order to collect data to the study a questionnaire form, which contains two scales that were developed so as to determine the individual innovativeness and maturity levels of students, was used. In the study, it is seen that the ethical maturity levels of students are quite high, innovativeness levels are on “pioneer” level which is the second level of individual innovativeness. According to the concluded results, it is seen that when the individual innovativeness levels increase; ethical maturity levels increase and when the individual innovativeness levels decrease; ethical maturity levels decrease, too. According to the statistical analyses within the scope of the study, there is a significant difference between students’ individual innovativeness levels and ethical maturity levels. In order for Kalam lessons to improve the ethical maturity and innovativeness levels, it is advised that the content and the gains of lesson should be arranged according to these qualifications


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