2023 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2
Implementation of An Adaptive Filter on A Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
Muhammet Furkan ÖZATA, Ali SERTKAYA, İlkay ERDENİZ
Pixel Dungeon - Turn Based Game With Unity
Mehmet EROĞUL, Ömer Faruk CENİKLİ, Oğuzhan BİÇEN, Fidan NURİYEVA
MitM Attacks and IoT Security: A Case Study on MQTT
Serhat ÇELİK, Nesibe YALÇIN, Semih ÇAKIR
An Analysis for Car Fuel Estimation with Regression Methods
Time Series Forecasting on Solar Energy Production Data Using LSTM
Kadriye Filiz BALBAL, Özge ÇELİK, Sebahattin İKİKARDEŞ
Navigating in Complex Indoor Environments: A Comparative Study
Alper Hüseyin DOĞAN, Tarık Veli MUMCU
Evolution of Machine Learning in Tourism: A Comprehensive Review of Seminal Research
Ferhat ŞEKER
11.3b 5.2b
Cilt: 3 Sayı : 1
Cilt: 3 Sayı : 2
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 1
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 2
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 2
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 1