Evolution of Machine Learning in Tourism: A Comprehensive Review of Seminal Research
Sayfalar: 54-79
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 -2023Son Sayı
A Case Study for Mobile Wallet Implementation in Self-Sovereign Identity Infrastructure
Sayfalar: 1-16
Data Driven Modelling of Microstrip Patch Antenna
Sayfalar: 17-21
Data Driven Modelling of Microstrip Frequency Selective Surface for X Band Applications
Sayfalar: 22-26
Performance Evaluation of a Pretrained BERT Model for Automatic Text Classification
Sayfalar: 27-35
Sercan ÇEPNİ, Amine Gonca TOPRAK, Aslı YATKINOĞLU, Öykü Berfin MERCAN, Şükrü OZAN
Predicting Stock Price from Historical Data using LSTM Technique
Sayfalar: 36-49
Edge Detection for 3 Dimensional Video Quality Assessment
Sayfalar: 50-53