The Mediating Effect of the Trust of Managers in Teachers in the Relation between Manager Support and Organizational Justice

The Mediating Effect of the Trust of Managers in Teachers in the Relation between Manager Support and Organizational Justice

This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived principal support of teachers who are working in primary schools under the Ministry of National Education and school principals’ trust in teachers and organizational justice with structural equation modeling. The population of the study was 2217 teachers working in the districts of Eyyubiye and Karaköprü in the province of Şanlıurfa in the 2016-2017 academic year. The sample of the study was 332 teachers who were determined by the convenience sampling method. Data were collected through the Turkish versions of a principal support scale and an organizational justice scale. Findings show that first, teachers’ perceived principal support directly affected the school principal’s trust in teachers from the perspective of the teachers; second, teachers’ perceived principal support directly affected their perceptions of organizational justice and indirectly influenced it through the school principal’s trust in teachers; and finally, teachers’ perceived principal trust directly affected teachers’ perceptions of organizational justice. In conclusion, principal support for teachers directly affects principal trust in teachers. In addition, principal support and principal trust in teachers explain approximately 34% of the variance in organizational justice.


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