Investigation of the Attitudes and Competencies of Teachers in Project Schools Towards Scientific Research in Developing Country

Investigation of the Attitudes and Competencies of Teachers in Project Schools Towards Scientific Research in Developing Country

The debate on education both in Turkey and in the world continues for many years. Particularly after the 2000s, the functions of schools, compulsory education, qualified schools and localization at all levels of government have been discussed frequently. Practitioners classified secondary education institutions according to their qualifications; Science high schools, Anatolian high schools, Super high schools, Curriculum Laboratory Schools (MLO), Social Sciences high schools and so on. The final form of qualified school trials is the project schools, which still suffer from qualitative problems in terms of legal and equipment related to institutionalization. The aim of this study is to determine the attitudes and competence levels of the teachers in the project schools that are expected to be qualified for scientific research and to develop suggestions for the training of qualified school teachers.  A total of 336 project school teachers participated in this descriptive study which was conducted with the survey model. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the data obtained in the study, in addition t-test and variance analysis were used for independent samples in the difference tests. At the end of the research, it is observed that the attitudes of the teachers towards scientific researches are not at the expected level, the low level of attitudes and interest indicate that the competences related to scientific thinking processes cannot reach the expected level. Although teachers find themselves highly competent in terms of their scientific research competencies, current studies show that this level is insufficient. In this study, negative correlation between teachers' negative attitudes towards scientific research and scientific research competencies was determined. In addition, a positive relationship was found between teachers' positive attitudes towards scientific research and their competences for scientific research.


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