Onychophagia (nail biting): a body focused repetitive behavior due to psychiatric co-morbidity

Onychophagia (nail biting): a body focused repetitive behavior due to psychiatric co-morbidity

Onychophagia is an habit of biting one's nails and finger tips. It is also called nail biting (NB). It is stress relievingoral habit adopted by many children and adults. People usually do it when they are nervous, stressed, hungry orbored. All the above situations are having common phenomenon between them which is anxiety. Here, we presentElma'Psychiatrist, ZConsultant Psychiatrist,3Consultant Psychiatrist and Head, MentalHealth Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, case of onychophagia (NB), who had psychiatric comorbidity. Onychophagia cannot be managed without considering TA'F some related factors such as comorbidities, precedent and consequences of the behavior. The best way to treat nail biter is to educate them, encourage good habits and should provide emotional support and encouragement. Behavior modification therapy has proved to be successful means of treatment along with drug management.


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Journal of Mood Disorders-Cover
  • ISSN: 2146-1473
  • Başlangıç: 2011
  • Yayıncı: Psikofarmakoloji Derneği adına Mesut Çetin
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