The Effect of Web-Based Instruction Designed by Dick and Carey Model on Academic Achievement, Attitude and Motivation of Students' in Science Education

The Effect of Web-Based Instruction Designed by Dick and Carey Model on Academic Achievement, Attitude and Motivation of Students' in Science Education

Web-based applications in education seem to be increasing day by day. As in all fields of education, web-based teaching practices are being developed to make the subjects learn better in science. The web-based instruction on science education for 6th-grade students, light and sound unit, a reflection of light was designed according to Dick and Carey instructional design model. From the experimental design, a single group pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental research model is used. The study group consists of 20 students in the 6th grade of a middle school in a 2015-2016 academic year. Data obtained within the scope of the research were analysed by descriptive frequency, percentage and predictive t-test of dependent samples data analysis methods from quantitative data analysis methods. The results of the research show that the motivation levels of the students are related to the attitude and academic achievement of the students after science course. However, it is observed that the implementation is a meaningful effect on students' academic achievement on the reflection of the light, but does not make a significant difference in their attitudes and motivations. It is thought that the results of the research will contribute to the instructional design studies to be done in science education.


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