A Serious Game Model Proposal for Detecting Explosives

A Serious Game Model Proposal for Detecting Explosives

The purpose of this work is, before the mission, training of personnel searching for explosives with metallic mine detectors for their operations in the battlefield and gaining experience by searching for explosives in a virtual environment. In this context, a search model was created by determining the factors affecting the search for explosives in the methodology. In this study, first of all, a scene where explosive materials will be detected was prepared. In this scene, three-dimensional models of the explosives and detector to be used were made from the first point of view of the character. In addition, a signal model proposal for how to detect explosives placed on the field by the detector operator using the Unity game engine is presented. In this model proposal, detectors, explosives, land and user-related issues have been evaluated and added to the model. With the prepared model, the reaction of the search coil to the signal source was observed, and it was ensured that the speed and method of the operator affected the signal. In addition, soil structure change in different types of land has been added to the model. A generic flow chart showing the behaviors to be applied by the detector operator during the intervention to the signal was prepared and this scheme was requested to be used for control purposes in the application. As a result of the study, a realistic and cost-effective training aid that can be used in the training of detector operators has been prepared.


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