Yahudiliğin Kutsal Metinleri ve Tarihi Mabet Gerçeği

Jewish religious texts and the historical reality of the Temple

The issue of Bayt Al-Maqdis and the sacredness of its land for the three monotheistic religions is seemingly one the main causes for conflict, war and the shaping of government policies. Today, a dual conflict is evident through the opposing stances on the existence of Al-Aqsa Mosque, as opposed to the theory or myth of a Holy Temple (Solomon’s Temple) adopted by some extremist Jewish groups who have since tried to prove the reality of this myth. Therefore, we need to study the views behind this theory to reach facts and conclusions that are scientifically valid and which are acceptable by researchers. This will be carried out by comparing the fact that Al-Aqsa mosque exists today with the theory that Solomon’s Temple existed historically. This means that the study must be systematic in dealing with the extreme Jewish theory, which is based on religious texts but that has established it as a political theory inside and outside the Zionist entity. It is necessary to come up with a true conception of these religious texts and the validity of their application to historical facts. This theory or myth is the subject of a dispute between the different Jewish sects themselves; between those who adopt it from hard-line sects and political parties in the Zionist state, and those who oppose it from other Jewish sect. Additionally, this paper will examine the role of extremist Christian evangelical groups as a supportive force for the policies of the US and Europe. On the other hand, an Islamic view that contradicts these right-wing theories stands, based on a theory supported by a reality on the ground –the presence of Al-Aqsa Mosque– and authenticated documented history, as verified by legal, historical and religious documents. This paper thus aims to dismantle the Zionist narrative and study it thoroughly in order to reach clear perceptions and results from their own sources.


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