Giftedness and Identification

An athletic analogy can be used to help address issues related to the definition and identification of students in gifted education. Gifted athletes are those who are capable of outstanding performance within an athletic domain. This view of giftedness reflects Gardner’s (1983) definition of intelligence. And, while standardized measures indicate specific attributes which may enhance performance, students with outstanding talent are identified by their performance within the context of a specific domain. Thus, a more holistic concept of giftedness and a matching procedure for identification should be applied in order to help develop a wider variety of talents. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

giftedness, identification

Giftedness and Identification

An athletic analogy can be used to help address issues related to the definition and identification of students in gifted education. Gifted athletes are those who are capable of outstanding performance within an athletic domain. This view of giftedness reflects Gardner’s (1983) definition of intelligence. And, while standardized measures indicate specific attributes which may enhance performance, students with outstanding talent are identified by their performance within the context of a specific domain. Thus, a more holistic concept of giftedness and a matching procedure for identification should be applied in order to help develop a wider variety of talents.


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