İngiltere’de Fen ve Fizik Öğretmenlerinin Mesleki Gelişimi

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Problem Statement: In this age, the importance of lifelong learning is known very well. Today, it is not possible to continue a profession for years with the training or education that has been followed to get the diploma to do that profession. In many countries teachers are trained with a bachelor degree. It is not expected that teachers can continue teaching only with the bachelor degree in education without any in-service training or professional development. Science and technology changes and improves very fast. Teachers who educate young generations, our future, should follow the changes and improvements in science and technology and adapt themselves into these changes. England is one of the important countries in the field of education. Therefore “How professional development of science and physics teachers is organized and designed in England?” is the problem statement of this research. educational bodies, school administration, headmasters and teachers. Teacher professional development mainly consists of two parts: programmes for general pedagogical skills and programmes for improving subject knowledge. It is generally accepted that teacher professional development is the main element to have a more effective education. Conclusions and Recommendations: Research associations in England express that there are additional requirements in the nature of science and the professional development of teachers should keep teachers up-to-date about the developments in science. In England there are different alternatives for professional development of science teachers. These are: Continuous Professional Development Pilot Programme for Science, Science Learning Centres, Chartered Science Teacher, Science Teachers‟ Network, My Continuous Professional Development, and Science Education Association