In this study, the questions included in the fractions unit of the fifth grade mathematics textbooks were investigated by cognitive process skills in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Written document analysis was used in the study. Two textbooks were chosen randomly among the books which were authorized by the Board of Education, Ministry of National Education, to be used as the class textbooks for five years beginning from 2013-2014 education year. Kappa coefficient was utilized for the reliability of the codification. Findings of the research indicate that the questions included in the textbooks are available at most at application level, and variance of the questions in terms of cognitive qualifications shows no differences. Furthermore, the subdivisions of both first textbook and the second textbook no homogenous relation has been identified among the cognitive qualifications of the questions. In the textbooks being investigated, there are differences in the quantity of the the questions and their leading competence. At the end of the investigation, some suggestions have been stated for the analysis of the questions, researchers studying on the field, authors and for the ones evaluating the textbook.
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