Green Supply Chain Management in the Context of Sustainability
For centuries, humanity has seen nature as an unlimited resource, despised it, they polluted it.
Hence, that caused environmental problems. On the one hand, the rapidly increasing population
phenomenon, the existence of natural resources that are running out has made it necessary to seek
new solutions for humanity. The solution put forward in this framework is the understanding of
sustainable development, which can be summarized as ensuring that natural resources are
transferred to future generations without completely consuming them. The priority in sustainable
development approach has been the sustainability of the natural environment. With the increasing
awareness of the international community and states, production systems and processes are
revised and transition to green practices that will minimize environmental damage has rapidly
gained importance. A traditional supply chain is a one-way process that involves productionrelated activities from raw material procurement to delivery of the final product. Due to
environmental requirements affecting production operations today, an increasing emphasis is
placed on the development of environmental management strategies for the supply chain. In this
study, green approaches, and green supply chain management (GSCM) are considered
conceptually, and the green activities implemented and the obstacles in front of them are
evaluated. A general perspective is put forward to ensure and maintain the green supply chain.
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