Chemical and Bacteriological Properties of Fresh Water Fountains of Karaman Province

Chemical and Bacteriological Properties of Fresh Water Fountains of Karaman Province

In this study, the potableness level of the 18 fresh water fountains in Karaman were tested for chemical and bacteriological properties. The research was carried out between January-June 2012 by taking sample four times. Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria were analysed by membrane filtration method. 31,94% samples showed the presence of coliform bacteria. 18% samples were tested Escherichia coli positive and 12,5% samples contained both E.coli and coliform. pH, total hardness, conductance, turbidity, nitrite, ammonium, free chlorine, calcium, flouride, and chloride of water were also investigated and can be classified as mild alkali and soft. Traces of flouride and free chlorine was also found in the samples. The other chemical properties were deemed suitable for the national and international potable water standard. Fresh water fountains of Karaman province is chemically fit for usage but 28 fountains contain bacteriologic contamination which can be control easily by taking necessary actions
Journal of Applied Biological Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 1307-1130
  • Başlangıç: 2007
  • Yayıncı: Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi