Teaching practices and evaluation with distance education of gifted students

It is known that gifted individuals who receive education in Science and Art Centers (SACs) in Turkiye have problems in reaching different educations in accordance with their individual competencies . This study aimed to determine the expectations of gifted students towards distance education, to show that this training can be given with the distance education method after the courses offered through distance education, and to develop an alternative way for the future. Explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed research types in which quantitative and qualitative research designs are used together, was employed in the research. The study group of the research consisted of 40 gifted students and 40 parents of these students in three SACs in Turkiye. The quantitative data of the study were analyzed by using the SPSS program. Quantitative data of the study were obtained with a "10-items student online learning expectations form and 5-items parent evaluation form". Qualitative data of the study were obtained with an 8-items student self-evaluation form. In the research, 4 weeks of distance education were given to the students; "Astronomy, Thinking Skills, Teaching Mathematics with Origami, Robotic Coding, Intelligence Games and Values Education" lessons were explained, and the data obtained at the end of the application were analyzed and interpreted with the MAXQDA program. As a result, it is revealed that gifted students in SACs are quite satisfied with the distance education training within this study's scope. In addition, the present study showed that education programs can be rearranged and made suitable for distance education for the emergent transitions to distance education that emerged with the Covid-19 pandemic.


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