Improving the Teaching of Rhetoric of Students-Philologists by Text Analysis

The aim of this study is to present the authors’ experience in improving the teaching of rhetoric by the formation of students' skills to analyze text. This research is devoted to the problems of teaching the rhetoric of students of higher educational institutions of the humanities. The research considers a comprehensive approach to working with a rhetorical text, reveals the specifics of rhetorical analysis of the text as an important factor in the formation of communicative competence of future philologists, which is one of the main aspects of their professional training. Experimental testing and creative work were done. The data were collected using tests and creative work. The testing of methods for improving the teaching of rhetoric was conducted in the form of an experience in the context of the Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin. Third-year students of the faculties of Philology and Linguistics were involved in the research. Results of the research that are firstly, the acquired knowledge and skills influenced the formation of such qualities as observation, logical thinking, creative imagination and the independence of mind. Secondly, practical mastery of rhetoric by text analysis contributes to mastering the constructing and implementing public speech and developing speech abilities.


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