Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Lift The Flap Book: Enhancing on Reading Motivation of 3rd Grade Students

The development of language, especially reading, needs to develop starting from early grade students in primary schools because it is one of the language skills. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the model of problem-based learning assisted by the lift flap book on the ability to tell of first-grade students in primary schools. The design chosen is quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group. The experimental group was given treatment, while the control group was without treatment. The population used in this research is third-grade students of Group 5 of Puren Public Primary School in Depok sub-district. The research subjects are 54 students with the details of 28 control class students and 26 experimental class students. Third-grade students at Puren Public Primary School and Ngringin Public Primary School are as research samples. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique because sampling is based on certain objectives. Data were obtained through direct observation to school with observations of reading motivation which was analyzed with the t-test variants. The results show that the tarithmetic is 3.488, ttable with reference to the formula (a/2); (df) equals (0.05/2); (54) equals 0.025; 54, then the value of ttable = 2.00488, thus tarithmetic > ttable 3.814 > 2.005. Therefore, Ho is rejected while Ha is accepted, meaning that learning with problem-based learning assisted by the lift flap book influences students' reading motivation.


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