Gifted Education Program in Enderun System

This study aims to interpret the organizational structure, the determination of the students, the curriculums and the content of all by associating them with the educational conditions of today's gifted students and taking the general approaches into consideration. The Enderun school in the Ottoman period is the first systematic approach when considering the education of talented people. Enderun schools are a system based on the recruitment of non-Muslim children regarded as superior in body and mind. In this study, Enderun education was compared with today's gifted education by examining the Enderun Schools' history, theoretical and practical approaches in accordance with the aims stated above. The method of this study is the literature review. Primary and secondary sources were used in the literature search. The summary, synthesis, and examination of the information about the Enderun with the support of the literature have been influential in the selection of this method. The result of the literature study shows that Enderun Schools have similar characteristics in terms of cognitive, emotional and behavioral factors when compared to subsequent and today's high talent education institutions and practices. Applications in Enderun education system were not based on only academic skills, the system was established taking into consideration interests, abilities, and values of the students.


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