Textual and Contextual Commognitive Conflict Students in Solving an Improper Fraction

Commognitive conflict occurs when there are differences in the use of discourse by the interlocutor and becomes a challenge in mathematical communication. For sources of commognitive conflict that have not yet been discussed, therefore the purpose of this study was to reveal source of students’ commognitive conflict in solving problems. This research was to determine the source of the commognitive conflict experienced by first-year students in solving mathematical problems, that is, improper fraction. Commognitve characteristics used in this study are word uses, visual mediators, narratives, and routines. A total of 38 students were given a math problem sheet, and two students were chosen as research participants because they had different and interesting answers. Then the participants participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview to find out the factors that cause commognitive conflict. The results of the research shown that the source of commognitive conflict lies in visual mediators and narratives produced by participants. The visual mediators that are produced should be interpreted contextually, but the indicators undergo a shift in meaning into the textual in the minds of participants.


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