Proteus induced discospondylitis the first case reported in an Anatolian sheepdog

Olgumuzu, cerrahi kliniğine getirilen 4 yaşlı erkak Kangal ırkı köpek oluşturdu. Hasta, yaklaşık 10 günden beri arka ayaklarına basarnama şikayetiyle getirildi. Alınan anamnezde; hayvanın iştahsız olduğu, giderek zayıfladığı, genel durumunun kötüleştiği ve 1 yaşında iken üriner sistem enfeksiyonuna yakalandığı öğrenildi. Direkt radyografi görüntülerinde T6-T9 intervertebral aralıkta daralma ve komşu vertebralarda lizis gözlendi. Miyelografiden önce alınan beyin omurilik sıvısının mikrobiyolojik incelemesinde Proteus spp. tespit edildi. Hayvanın durumu göz önünde bulundurularak ve sahibinin de isteği üzerine ötenazi yapıldı.

Bir kangal köpeğinde ilk defa bildirilen proteus' a bağlı diskospondilitis olgusu

Our case was 4 years old Anatolian Sheepdog, brought to the surgery clinic. The Anatolian Sheepdog was brought in with a complaint of inability to use the hindlegs for approximately 10 days. In the anamnesis the patient was reported to have no apetite, that it had lost weight, it's general condition was deteriorating and that it had had a urinary system infection when it was 1-year old. In the radiographs an abnormal appearance was observed in the T6-T9 intervertebral space and the mentioned vertebrae. Considering the overall condition of the patient and upon the owner's request, the animal was euthanised. Microbiological examination was done on the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) taken before myelography. The result showed that Proteus spp. had grown.


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