THE BRINE SHRIMP (ARTEMIA SALINA) LETHALITY OF Brassica oleracea var. capitata

This work covers up the bio-activities of the five fractions obtained from the ethanolic extract of Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Cruciferae).Brassica oleracea var. capitara (Cruciferae), according to some investigators, is proved to be a remedy for many illnesses (1) because the plant contains various substances (2-6) Like proteins, vitamins, resins, mineral salts, lipids, calcium salts, MgO, Fe and S.A previous work (7) made by us in 1982 consists of the effects of substances obtained from this plant, to the embrionic and tumorous cells. Anotherwork, again made by us in 1988 (8), proves the mitotic delaying effect of a substance, Fraction No. 5, obtained from this plant, whose structure was determined by us in 1992 (9). This fraction is proved to be a mixture of some alkanes, alkennes, myristic and palmitic acids, some phenones, some phthalates, some thiocyanates and some cyanides
Anahtar Kelimeler:


THE BRINE SHRIMP (ARTEMIA SALINA) LETHALITY OF Brassica oleracea var. capitata

This work covers up the bio-activities of the five fractions obtained from the ethanolic extract of Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Cruciferae).Brassica oleracea var. capitara (Cruciferae), according to some investigators, is proved to be a remedy for many illnesses (1) because the plant contains various substances (2-6) Like proteins, vitamins, resins, mineral salts, lipids, calcium salts, MgO, Fe and S.A previous work (7) made by us in 1982 consists of the effects of substances obtained from this plant, to the embrionic and tumorous cells. Anotherwork, again made by us in 1988 (8), proves the mitotic delaying effect of a substance, Fraction No. 5, obtained from this plant, whose structure was determined by us in 1992 (9). This fraction is proved to be a mixture of some alkanes, alkennes, myristic and palmitic acids, some phenones, some phthalates, some thiocyanates and some cyanides


  • 1. Willfort, R., "Gesundheit Durch Heilkrauter", Rudolph, Trauner Verlag-Lulz Austria 1959.
  • 2. Durkee, AB. and Harbome, J.B.,Phyrochenzistry, 12,1085 (1973).
  • 3. Horhammer, L., Wagner, H., Arndt, H.G., Krarner, H. and Farkas, L., Tetrahedron, Letters, 567 (1966).
  • 4. I-Iorhammer, L., and Wagner, H., Personal communication.
  • 5. Paris R.R. and Charles, A., Compt. Rend., 254 (1962).
  • 6. Fransois, M.T. and Chaix, L., Chenz. Abstr. 55,3744 (1961).
  • 7. Giirkan, E., Kiic;iikcezzar, R., CNAEM-R-209 (1983).
  • 8. Giirkan, E., Koksal, G., Fitoterapia, 1,47 (1988).
  • 9. Giirkan, E., Rollas, S., Firoterapia Vol. LXIII, No. 4 (1991). ,
  • 10. Giirkan, E., Hlrlak, F., J. Pha~m. Univ. Mar., 7 (2),83 (1991).
  • 11. McLaughlin, J.L., Chang, C.J., Smith, D.L., Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.) Studies In Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 9 (1991), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.