The Pre-Islamic King in the Books of Proverbs

The ancient Arab proverbs are an important source of ancient Arabic literature. they serve as a mirror that reflects the customs, traditions, and morals of the ancient Arabs and their perspective on life in general. At an early stage the Arabs gathered their proverbs and wrote them down in special books, called "Books of Proverbs". This study discusses the proverbs related to the pre-Islamic king in the ancient cassical Arabic proverbs books that were written during the first five centuries AH. In these books The writers attributed a good number of the proverbs to kings from the pre-Islamic era. There are proverbs that were first spoken at the councils of the kings of the pre-Islamic era, in other proverbs these kings' names were mentioned, and some proverbs referred to and related to them. In this article, we will mention those proverbs related to the kings of the pre-Islamic era and analyze them to present a clear image of the pre-Islamic king in the ancient proverbs books.

The Pre-Islamic King in the Books of Proverbs

The ancient Arab proverbs are an important source of ancient Arabic literature. They serve as a mirror that reflects the customs, traditions, and morals of the ancient Arabs and their perspective of life in general. At an early stage the Arabs gathered their proverbs and wrote them down in special books, called "Books of Proverbs". This study discusses the proverbs related to the pre-Islamic king in the ancient cassical Arabic proverbs books that were written during the first five centuries AH. In these books The writers attributed a good number of the proverbs to kings from the pre-Islamic era. There are proverbs that were first spoken at the councils of the kings of the pre-Islamic era, in other proverbs these kings' names were mentioned, and some proverbs referred to and related to them. In this article, we will mention those proverbs related to the kings of the pre-Islamic era and analyze them to present a clear image of the pre-Islamic king in the ancient proverbs books.


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