Philosophical Background of the Rise of Arab and Turkish Nationalist Thought: A Comparative Study Between Sāṭi` al-Ḥuṣrī and Ziya Gökalp

This article aims at making a comparative study between the thought of Ziya Gökalp, the famous representative of Turkish nationalism, and the thought of Sâti' al-Husrî , the Ottoman intellectual who has been considered as the spritual father of Arab nationalism. The article sheds light on the philosophical background of the two thinkers by focusing on the relations between nationalism, language, religion, culture, history, civilization, and regionalism in their thought. Both thinkers’ ideas will be then examined within the context of the Western and Eastern philosophical sources that shaped their nationalist thought. This article seeks also, through an analytical method, to highlight some of the contradictions contained in their intellectual views. It relied, especially with regard to the nationalism issue, on the main works of these thinkers, so the study aims to make a significant contribution that would enrich the Arab and Turkish literature with some unprecedented opinions and intellectual views of both of Sâti' al-Husrî and Ziya Gökalp on the question of nationalism.

Philosophical Background of the Rise of Arab and Turkish Nationalist Thought: A Comparative Study Between Sāṭi` al-Ḥuṣrī and Ziya Gökalp

This article aims at making a comparative study between the thought of Ziya Gökalp, the famous representative of Turkish nationalism, and the thought of Sâti' al-Husrî , the Ottoman intellectual who has been considered as the spritual father of Arab nationalism. The article sheds light on the philosophical background of the two thinkers by focusing on the relations between nationalism, language, religion, culture, history, civilization, and regionalism in their thought. Both thinkers’ ideas will be then examined within the context of the Western and Eastern philosophical sources that shaped their nationalist thought. This article seeks also, through an analytical method, to highlight some of the contradictions contained in their intellectual views. It relied, especially with regard to the nationalism issue, on the main works of these thinkers, so the study aims to make a significant contribution that would enrich the Arab and Turkish literature with some unprecedented opinions and intellectual views of both of Sâti' al-Husrî and Ziya Gökalp on the question of nationalism.


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