Exterior Scaffolds of Prefabricated Components, Loads Affecting Scaffolds and Scaffold Experiments

In the construction sector, constructions, painting, heat insulation, coating and so on. Outside facade scaffoldings are widely used in outdoor facade applications. The floats consist of temporary elements which are designed to support various loads in the constructions and to provide convenience for the applications made on the exterior sides of the constructions. In this study, exterior scaffold components consisting of prefabricated components and classification of scaffolds according to the purpose of use are included. Furthermore, since pre-fabricated steel and aluminum alloy components used in exterior scaffold installation need to be designed and installed in a capacity that can withstand all kinds of loads statically and dynamically with respect to environmental impacts, what is required of the test works related to testing of the prefabricated components against loads and external influences exposed in the site environment before they are used in the sites. In 2017, a company that manufactures prefabricated steel exterior scaffolding in Elmadağ district of Ankara has examined the tests that should be done at the production site in accordance with the TS EN 12810-1 Scaffolding certification. Experiments that the laboratory has been done in laboratory have also been examined according to the requirements of TS EN 12810-1 standard. In the conclusion part of the work, the importance of external scaffolding in terms of occupational health and safety has been explained instead of the external scaffoldings which are laid out with the inadequate components required by the standards without the engineering

Exterior Scaffolds of Prefabricated Components, Loads Affecting Scaffolds and Scaffold Experiments

In the construction sector, constructions, painting, heat insulation, coating and so on. Outside facade scaffoldings are widely used in outdoor facade applications. The floats consist of temporary elements which are designed to support various loads in the constructions and to provide convenience for the applications made on the exterior sides of the constructions. In this study, exterior scaffold components consisting of prefabricated components and classification of scaffolds according to the purpose of use are included. Furthermore, since pre-fabricated steel and aluminum alloy components used in exterior scaffold installation need to be designed and installed in a capacity that can withstand all kinds of loads statically and dynamically with respect to environmental impacts, what is required of the test works related to testing of the prefabricated components against loads and external influences exposed in the site environment before they are used in the sites. In 2017, a company that manufactures prefabricated steel exterior scaffolding in Elmadağ district of Ankara has examined the tests that should be done at the production site in accordance with the TS EN 12810-1 Scaffolding certification. Experiments that the laboratory has been done in laboratory have also been examined according to the requirements of TS EN 12810-1 standard. In the conclusion part of the work, the importance of external scaffolding in terms of occupational health and safety has been explained instead of the external scaffoldings which are laid out with the inadequate components required by the standards without the engineering


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