Determination of Biomass Potential and Energy Values of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Wastes: Case of Tokat Province

Biogas energy is an important energy type in terms of both the advantages it provides during the use phase and the source of raw materials in our country compared to other renewable energy sources. In our country, it is seen that there is a big difference in the energy potential obtained from the biological origin wastes and the amount of energy provided from these wastes. In this case, considering our external dependence on energy, it is understood that the use of biological wastes in more energy production should be expanded. In this study, according to Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) 2017 data, the average age, dry matter and energy potential values ​​of walnut groves grown in the districts of Tokat province were determined. Within the scope of the study, total average age waste potency of the province of Tokat; 158.049 tons/year, the average amount of dry matter potential; 48.293 tons/year and the average energy potential amount; 22 607 TEP/year.

Determination of Biomass Potential and Energy Values of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Wastes: Case of Tokat Province

Biogas energy is an important energy type in terms of both the advantages it provides during the use phase and the source of raw materials in our country compared to other renewable energy sources. In our country, it is seen that there is a big difference in the energy potential obtained from the biological origin wastes and the amount of energy provided from these wastes. In this case, considering our external dependence on energy, it is understood that the use of biological wastes in more energy production should be expanded. In this study, according to Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) 2017 data, the average age, dry matter and energy potential values ​​of walnut groves grown in the districts of Tokat province were determined. Within the scope of the study, total average age waste potency of the province of Tokat; 158.049 tons/year, the average amount of dry matter potential; 48.293 tons/year and the average energy potential amount; 22 607 TEP/year.


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