Although it is envisaged to be a classic and easy topic in its theoretical approach, the establishment and analysis of the legal characters of the sales contract is the starting point in the legal configuration of this contract. The sales contract is regulated in articles 1650-1762 of the new Civil Code (which make up Chapter V "The Sales Contract" of Title IX "Various Special Contracts" in the Book V "On Obligations"). In addition to these texts - which are common law in matters of the sales contract - the law also includes, however, a number of special provisions governing either some private variants of this contract, or regular sales, but with a particular object, sales for which the lawmaker has established special rules, derogatory from the common law. According to art. 1650 of the new Civil Code (NCC), sale is defined as "(...) a contract by which the seller conveys or, where appropriate, pledges to convey the property over an asset to the buyer, in exchange for a price which the buyer pledges to pay. The dismemberment of an ownership right, or any other right, can also be conveyed by sale." The sales contract is a bilateral and mutually binding, non-gratuitous, commutative, consensual and rights-transferring contract.


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