The movement of proceedings in accordance with the actual national legislation in Bulgaria

The analysis of the topic aims at presenting the authors point of view, supporting the process of training students and all those interested in the topic of the possibilities of deviating from criminal proceedings child offenders and the temporal aspect of action. The authors presents only a brief view of this extremely broad and important topic of law enforcement. The idea of ​​the authors is to familiarize students with the thesis of the social and legal significance of the movement (the time horizon of preparation and realization) of educational cases, as an element of particular importance for children offenders, in which society is particularly sensitive.


  • Reference 1. Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria Prom., SG, no. 56 of 13. 07. 1991, in force from 13.07. 1991 2.Anlaw for combating the anti-social acts of juvenile offenders, dated 14 Febru-ary 1958 3. UN Rules on Minimum Standards Concerning Juvenile Crime - "Beijing Rules", adopted on 29 November 1985 by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 40/33. 4.European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms - Rome, 04. 09. 1950 5.Charles of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 2012 / C 326/02 6. Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union, signed in Lisbon on 13.12.2007 7. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20.11.1989, ratified by a resolution of the Bulgarian Na-tional Defense Council of 11. 04. 1991, SG No. 32 of 23.04.1991 in force from 03.07.1991 8. Law on courts for minorities, prom. SG no. 39 of 20 February 1943