Enhanced cooperation in European Union Law and its effect on the European Integration

In the European Union, a more cooperative cooperation can be made between some member states in order to solve the problems arising from the unanimous rule in the decision-making mechanism. Enhanced cooperation organized for the first time under a separate title with the Amsterdam Treaty. Via this mechanism, the Union, which has increased rapidly in the number of member states since its establishment, can act more quickly and effectively on some issues. Thus, it is aimed to facilitate the decision-making process. Enhanced cooperation is anticipated as a possibility provided by the member states which want to go further in cases where progress cannot be achieved with the participation of all the member states. In the scope of this study, firstly the characteristics of the concept of enhanced cooperation will be explained and later the development of the concept will be examined within the framework of the treaties. Thus, it will be attempted to discuss how this mechanism in European Union law affects the process of European integration by analyzing the decisions which were taken by enhanced cooperation.


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