Identity and ideology in 20th Century of Turkish Architecture

Examining the architectural actions, Turcs that have founded many states throughout the history are observed to have maintained the transfer of their culture, which has been shaped with different dinamics such as regime, ethnic diversity, geography, religion and has followed a natural flow even though factors has changed from time to time, to the early 20th century. The 20th century of Turkish architecture has come to a point where it serves to the efforts of creating a new identity that has strayed from its natural line as a result of an ideological movement worldwide. Even though the movement that was expressed as the National Renaissance of Turkish architecture and demostrated its impact on public buildings during its period has later been called National Style, given its starting point, architectural components and referances, how accurate it is to be called national is open to debate. In this study, the First National Architectural Movement and the Second National Architectural Movement that have impact on the early 20th century particularly are dealt with in terms of identity issues and ideological approaches of Neo-Classical Architecture inTurkey.


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