Pre-Service Elemantary Mathematics Teachers’ Views On The Applicability Of Dynamic Geometry Black Box Activities In Classroom Environment

Pre-Service Elemantary Mathematics Teachers’ Views On The Applicability Of Dynamic Geometry Black Box Activities In Classroom Environment

The Dynamic Geometry (DG) software environment allows students to relate mathematical concepts, create conjectures, rationalize and use different strategies. The DG Environment offers the opportunity to design different activities from paper pencil environment activities thanks to the drag tool. One of these activities is “black box” activities. In this study, it is aimed to determine the pre-service teachers’ views regarding the applicability of black box activities in the classroom environment. A sample of the study on qualitative research has been made up of 10 pre-service teacher who have been studying in the last year of a State University's elementary mathematics teaching Bachelor's degree program. Data collected with two feedback forms prepared by the researcher were analyzed using content analysis method. As a result, it was found that the use of black box activities in classroom environment contributed to visualization, concretization and creative thinking within the frame of the pre-service teachers’ views.


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