Total Quality Management to reduce cost and To Improve Quality Process in Education Institution

It is observed that admissions to the institution is directly proportional to the student graduation and their job placement. Hence, it is very important for the institution to maintain college quality process intact and at the same time to find ways to reduce cost. In this paper author argues that Total Quality Management (TQM) helps to reduce cost and improves quality process. Author has designed TQM for the educational institution for reducing cost and keeping in mind quality process. Author has suggested new techniques and it is borrowed from the TQM, for pursuing new strategic thinking it is mandatory for quality team to carefully consider activities for the for the strategic planning. The quality process within institutions is assigned to a particular body consisting of faculty members from selected departments. This body, conveys with other teaching staff about the quality process and evaluation and draws up the institutions mission, vision and objectives. With this approach the quality department will have to depend on the expertise to evaluate their efforts, most likely it is observed that this kind of approach has always failed to achieve its objectives. Once, the strategic plan is charted out then quality process has to be concentrating more on prevention rather correcting during the process or phase itself. This phase created by the core quality team in collaboration with department’s quality team. In the fashion the total quality management can be utilized to achieve in educational institution.


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