The Need Textbook Writing of Children’s Story Based on Character Education

This study aims to develop textbooks to write children's stories based on the education character for fourth grade students of Muhammadiyah elementary school in Surakarta Indonesia, and also to improve students' skills in writing children's stories that are included the education character in it. The subjects of this study are students and teachers. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The methods of the data collection are through questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentation study, supported by Focus Group Discussion and field notes. The analysis data used in this study is techniques of peer-debriefing by analyzing in depth to the subject. The discussion of the result of the data analysis uses qualitative descriptive. The results of this study prove that; (1) based on the results of the exploratory study, it is proved that many elementary schools which do not have textbooks with special specifications to help students in writing children's stories, that’s 100%; (2) based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion it allows to be internalized the characters education into textbooks of children's stories; (3) the product prototypes of the textbooks in writing children's stories based on character education for fourth grade students of elementary school.


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