Exploring Efficacy of a Community-Based Reading Programme for At-Risk ChildrenJanet Siew Poh LAW

Öz This study reports an exploratory evaluation of a community-based reading programme kidsREAD. Children (N=186) aged 4 through 8, of different ethnic groups, from 12 reading clubs, were exposed to one hour of reading intervention with trained volunteers at various locations. For one year, volunteers read stories to children once a week in groups less than 30, then divided them up into smaller groups to engage in a variety of reading-related activities. Paired t-tests and inter-correlation analyses were conducted. Parent survey was collated for triangulation. There were significant improvements in use of English language, individual participation and peer interaction, and reading skills, at post-programme evaluation. Effect size analyses pointed to a significant impact of programme participation on changes in reading-related behaviour. Results from the analysis were used to predict the reading success for the programme, illustrated through the equation: RgA à [(UEL)(PAI)(RS)] à RgS. 


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International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-5581
  • Başlangıç: 2009
  • Yayıncı: İbrahim H. DİKEN
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