A Comparison of Traditional and Kernel Equating Methods

In this study, the equated score results of the kernel equating (KE) method compared with the results of traditional equating methods—equipercentile and linear equating and 9th grade 2009 ÖBBS Form B of Social Sciences and 2009 ÖBBS Form D of Social Sciences was used under an equivalent groups (EG) design. Study sample consists of 16.249 students taking booklets B and another 16.327 students taking D in that test. The analysis of the test forms was carried out in four steps. First, descriptive statistics were calculated for the data and then it was checked whether the data obtained from the two booklets satisfy the equating conditions. In the second step, the booklets were equated according to methods. Lastly, the errors for each equating methods were calculated. Kernel equating results were nearly same to the results from the corresponding traditional equating methods. In Kernel equating, when parameter h was selected as optimal, equated scores provided almost identical results as traditional equipercentile equating. When it was selected large, this time the equated scores provided results almost identical to traditional linear equating. It is concluded that Kernel equating methods are relatively more the most appropriate equating method method than traditional equating methods.

A Comparison of Traditional and Kernel Equating Methods

In this study, the equated score results of the kernel equating (KE) method compared with the results of traditional equating methods—equipercentile and linear equating and 9th grade 2009 ÖBBS Form B of Social Sciences and 2009 ÖBBS Form D of Social Sciences was used under an equivalent groups (EG) design. Study sample consists of 16.249 students taking booklets B and another 16.327 students taking D in that test. The analysis of the test forms was carried out in four steps. First, descriptive statistics were calculated for the data and then it was checked whether the data obtained from the two booklets satisfy the equating conditions. In the second step, the booklets were equated according to methods. Lastly, the errors for each equating methods were calculated. Kernel equating results were nearly same to the results from the corresponding traditional equating methods. In Kernel equating, when parameter h was selected as optimal, equated scores provided almost identical results as traditional equipercentile equating. When it was selected large, this time the equated scores provided results almost identical to traditional linear equating. It is concluded that Kernel equating methods are relatively more the most appropriate equating method method than traditional equating methods.


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