ÖZBu makalenin amacı Cahiliye Donemi Arapları arasında vucut bulan Hılfu’l-Fudul Teşilatı’nıirdeleyerek ezilenlerin bu donemde haklarıı nası korunmayacalışıdığıa acılı getirmektir. İk once bu teşilata neden bu ismin verildiğuzerinde durulmuş Cahiliye Donemi’nde yapıan diğr hilflere ve bunlarıamaclarıa değnilmişir. Daha sonra bu hilfin yapımasıı sebepleri uzerindedurulmuş teşilatı kurulmasıa yol acan olaylar, teşilata katıan ve katımayankabileler, teşilatı etkileri ve daha sonraki donemlerde devam etmemesininnedenleri uzerinde durulmuşur.Anahtar Kelimeler: Hilf, Fudul, Cahiliye, Kabile, Adalet, Zulum, HakABSTRACTHilfu’l- Fudûl OrganizationThe aim of this organization is to enlighten how despised people try to protecttheir rights by explicating Hilfu’l Fudul Organization that emerged between Arabsof the age of ignorance. Initially, it is emphasized that why this organization isnamed like this, aids done at the age of ignorance and their aims are mentioned.Subsequently, it is emphasized that what are the reasons of these aids, factualbackgrounds of foundations of this organization, clans taking part in and nottaking part in, effects of the organization and the reasons why it does not go on atthe other ages.Keywords: Hilf, Fudul, Jahiliyyah, Tribe, Justice, Cruelty.

Hilfu’l- Fudûl Organization

Hilfu’l- Fudûl OrganizationThe aim of this organization is to enlighten how despised people try to protect their rights by explicating Hilfu’l Fudul Organization that emerged between Arabs of the age of ignorance. Initially, it is emphasized that why this organization is named like this, aids done at the age of ignorance and their aims are mentioned. Subsequently, it is emphasized that what are the reasons of these aids, factual backgrounds of foundations of this organization, clans taking part in and not taking part in, effects of the organization and the reasons why it does not go on at the other ages.


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