ÖZKur’ân’ın hassasiyetle üzerinde durduğu konulardan biri de ibadettir. İbadet,insanların günlük hayatlarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bütün dinlerde, icraşekilleri farklı olmakla beraber ibadet vardır. Allah ile kul arasında kurulan ilişkideimandan sonra, ibadet aşaması gelmektedir.Bu makalede ibadet kelimesinin sözlük ve terim anlamları ortaya konulmuştur.İbadet ve tevhit ilişkisi üzerinde durulmuştur. Cahiliye dönemi Araplarınınputa tapıcılığından ve bunun sebeplerinden bahsedildikten sonra, Kur’an’ın şirkkoşmayı kesin olarak yasakladığı anlatılmıştır. İbadetin fıtrî bir ihtiyaç olduğuvurgulanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: İbadet, Tevhit, Şirk, İman, Put ABSTRACTThe Worship of The Holy Qur’anOne of the topics that The Qur’an stops on it is worship. İt has an importantplace in daily lives of people. All religions have different shapes of worship. Therelationship that is established between God and human after faith is worship.İn this article is revealed the meaning dictionary and the term of the worship’sword. İt focuses on the relationship between worship and God’s union. Aftermention the period of ignorance, and it is referred to the reasons the Arab’s idolismis described The Qur’an’s forbid of worship to idols and focused that the worshipis a natural need.Keywords: Workship, God’s Union, Common, Faith, Idol
Anahtar Kelimeler:

İbadet, Tevhit, Şirk, İman, Put

The Worship of The Holy Qur’an

The Worship of The Holy Qur’anOne of the topics that The Qur’an stops on it is worship. İt has an important place in daily lives of people. All religions have different shapes of worship. The relationship that is established between God and human after faith is worship. İn this article is revealed the meaning dictionary and the term of the worship’s word. İt focuses on the relationship between worship and God’s union. After mention the period of ignorance, and it is referred to the reasons the Arab’s idolism is described The Qur’an’s forbid of worship to idols and focused that the worship is a natural need.


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