Kartpostal, kalyn ve dikdörtgen bir kâ?ydyn ya da ince kartonun mesaj yazmak, zarfsyz olarak postalamak ve mektuptan daha ucuz bir fiyata göndermek amacyyla hazyrlanan bir ileti?im aracydyr. Bu ara?tyrmada, kartpostalyn tarihsel geli?im süreci ve günümüzdeki durumu hakkynda alan yazyn (literatür) taramasy yapylmy? ve çe?itli kaynaklardan derlenen bilgiler ve görsel malzemeler y?y?ynda bir ileti?im aracy olarak kartpostalyn ortaya çyky?y, geli?im, yükseli? ve gerileme süreci ele alynmy?tyr. Konunun önemli dönüm noktalary gözden geçirilmi? ve derlenen bilgiler özetlenmeye çaly?ylmy?tyr. Ancak yapylan alan yazyn (literatür) taramasynda konuyla do?rudan ilgili synyrly sayyda yerli kayna?a ula?ylmy?tyr. Dünyada kartpostalyn özellikle ba?langyç, geli?im, yükseli? sürecine ili?kin yerli kaynak neredeyse bulunamamy?tyr. Bu nedenle söz konusu sürecin ortaya konulmasynda yabancy kaynaklara ba?ymly kalynmy?tyr. Bu a?amada do?rudan kartpostal ([Yng.] post card; [Fr.] carte postale) kelimesi ile ilgili olan kaynaklar ön planda tutulmu?tur. Alan yazyn derlemesi sonucunda konuyla ilgili ana görü?ler ortaya konmu? ve bu görü?lere dayanarak; tebrik kartlary gönderiminde yo?unlu?un her geçen yyl dü?tü?ü, kurum ve kurulu?lar ile i?yeri sahipleri dy?ynda kalan vatanda? tebrik karty göndermemeye ba?lady?y, insanlaryn artyk kalemle, zarfla u?ra?mak istemedi?i, bunun yerine cep telefonu ve bilgisayaryna kayytly mesajy saniyeler içinde yüzlerce ki?iye göndermeyi tercih etti?i, dolayysy ile yylba?y, bayram ve do?um günleri gibi özel ve önemli günlerde gönderilen kartpostallaryn teknolojiye yenik dü?meye ba?lady?y ve bu durumun da istatistikî verilerle sabit oldu?u sonucuna varylmy?tyr.


Postcard, a thick rectangular piece of paper (or thin cardboard) used to write messages, is a communication tool that is mailed without an envelope at a cheaper price than a letter. In this research, the historical development and current status of the postcard of the literature type have been examined. The information and visual materials have been compiled from various sources, and they describe the emergence of the postcard as a means of communication and development, and discuss the rise and decline of postcards. The major turning points of the subject are reviewed and compiled information is used to summarize. However, in the field (literature) screening it has been observed that there are a limited number of local sources directly related to the beginning, developing and rising terms of post cards. Therefore, in drawing up of the process is dependent on foreign sources. At this stage, the sources related to the term "post card" were in the forefront. At the end of our review of the field main opinion on the subject area has been demonstrated on the basis of these remarks that the regularity of greeting cards being sent has decreased with each passing year. The remaining citizens out of institutions and organizations, business owners began to send a greeting card. People no longer want to deal with pen and paper. Instead they choose to send mobile phone and computer-recorded messages to hundreds of people in seconds. So in the new year, for special and important occasions such as birthdays and holidays the use of postcards began to fall victim to technology and the statistical data of this condition are found to be constant.