Yeni Sünnet Tanımları Bağlamında Sünnet-Dindarlık İlişkisi Üzerine Bazı Mülâhazalar

The fact that modernization threatened applicability and sustainability of Islamicpiety made it necessary to rethink Sunnah. And the necessity of rethinking Sunnah also gaverise to new definitions of Sunnah. And trying to answer the question of why it is necessaryto rethink Sunnah led us to reconsider piety because the relationship between Sunnah andpiety is a normal and structural relationship. The nature of piety and the nature of Sunnahoverlap. This is why it would not be wrong to see the call for the ‘revival of Sunnah’ in thelast century among Muslims as a manifestation of the search for piety. Also, assessing Sunnahin this context to redefine it will end the confusion about this matter. Furthermore, the clarificationof the concepts will also help to put piety into practice in the modern era becauseconceptual confusions leads to inconsistencies in one’s behaviors. This article tackles moderndefinitions of Sunnah and piety and also it assesses the related concepts of Kitab, Sunnahand Hikmah. As a result, the article argues that there is not an obstacle to understanding anddefining Sunnah as a form of piety.


  • Selahattin Polat, “Sünnetin Hayata İntikalindeki Gerilim Noktaları, Açmazlar ve Problemler”, Sünnetin Bireysel ve Toplumsal Değişimdeki Rolü Sempozyumu, 2008, s. 189.