Fransızca'nın Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğreniminde, Dilsel ve Kültürel Öğelerin Sözlü İletişime Etkisi

Fransızca'nın Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğreniminde, Dilsel ve Kültürel Öğelerin Sözlü İletişime Etkisi

It is known that the development of communication skills plays significant role in learning French as a foreign language. Though being largely neglected until the 1980’s when it became popular in teaching French, communicative approach is still not attached the importance it deserves in Turkey, especially in state schools. Those who are learning French have difficulty in maintaining oral cometence due to the fact that classroom activities are largely based on the teaching of grammar, reading comprehension and the development of writing skills. Emerging from these difficulties, our work favors the notion that it is highly beneficial to study culture and language specific elements in learning a foreign language. Thus, a TV series possesing various hesitation and slang forms affecting oral communication in daily lives of people has been selected as the base corpus.


  • Aydın, B. (2004). Thèse de maîtrise (non publiée) intitulée « L’Influence des faits linguistiques et culturelles dans l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère » sous la dir. de Doç. Dr. Ece KORKUT (Maître de Conférences). Université de Hacettepe.
  • Colin, J. P. & Mével, J. P., avec la collaboration de Leclère, C. (1994). Dictionnaire de l’argot. Paris: Larousse.
  • Riegel, M., Pellat J.-C. & Rioul, R. (2002). Grammaire méthodique du français. Paris: PUF, coll. Quadriege.
  • Le Nouveau Petit Robert (1994). Dictionnaire de la langue française. Paris: Dictionnaire le Robert.