The Effect of Packaging on Consumers’ Purchase of Food Products in Selcuklu District of Konya

The aim of the study is to determine the importance of packaging on consumer buying behavior. The data used in the study were conducted on a voluntary basis using the survey technique. The sample size of the study is 100 according to the probability sampling method of households located in the Selcuklu district of Konya province, Turkey. The reliability of the data prepared to determine the effect of packaging on consumer tendency to buy food products was determined by Cronbach's Alpha test. In the study, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test value was found to be 0.776. In order to develop the scale, the factor analysis method was used which renders a large number of variables as statistically significant and independent factors. As a result of the analyses performed, five factors were identified towards the effect of packaging features on consumers' purchase of the food products. In the light of the data obtained from the study, it was concluded that the factors affecting the consumers' decision to buy any product were factors such as packaging's usage, appearance, healthiness, and its recyclability. The decisiveness of packaging attributes in consumer's purchase decision was determined by factor analysis and the effect of packaging on consumer's purchase of food products was examined by regression analysis along with other factors (income, age, education). According to the results of the regression analysis, it was determined that the effect of the packaging was higher on the consumers with higher income and education. It is seen that for consumers who think that the image of packaging and its ease of use are positive in the eyes of the consumers, the packaging is more effective in their purchase of food products compared to other consumers. The most important feature among the packaging of food products affecting consumer purchasing decisions is that the production and expiry information is in an easily visible position.


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